"When Ya Gotta Have Flowers" Bossier Press Tribune Favorite Florist - Shreveport/Bossier Best Florist

Burning Red Roses Rose Arrangement in Bossier City, LA | LISA'S FLOWERS & GIFTS
Burning Red Roses
Rose Arrangement
Set their heart ablaze with Burning Red Roses! This classically romantic arrangement serves as a passionate reminder of love. With 12 stems of red roses and complimentary foliage, they’ll remember these roses all too well for years to come. Standard = 12 roses, Deluxe = 18 roses, and Premium = 24 roses
Shown at $99.99
Shown at $99.99
Valentine's Day Artistry Premium Designer's Choice in Bossier City, LA | LISA'S FLOWERS & GIFTS
Valentine's Day Artistry
Premium Designer's Choice
Flowers sound like a simple choice, right? Not these! Our Premium Designer’s Choice Valentine’s Day arrangement is spectacularly designed by professionals for a stunning and romantic bouquet that will have them falling in love with you all over again! Send something extraordinary this Valentine’s Day.
Shown at $150.00
Shown at $150.00
Three Dozen Red Roses Vase Arrangement  in Bossier City, LA | LISA'S FLOWERS & GIFTS
Three Dozen Red Roses
Vase Arrangement
For the most marvelous and exquisite arrangement, send our three dozen red roses. The epitome of love and romance, they will be in awe when they receive this bouquet!
Shown at $259.99
Shown at $259.99

Custom Flower Design
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
Buy Now


Let  Lisa's take care of you "When Ya Gotta Have Flowers"!




 Our thanks to Shreveport/Bossier and the surrounding area for once again naming Lisa's Flowers & Gifts Favorite Florist in the Bossier Press Tribune 25th Annual READERS' Choice Awards.